"We in this world is just like playing netball. everyone got their own aim. How to defend,how to shot, how to run fast as a center, how to block the opponents, everything is planned in their own mind. But the most important thing is the team, the one around them who always give support them everytime they got the ball ; the chances. To do the best is the duty of the holder of the ball. But in order to succeed, everyone must played well too"
- pengaruh main netball semalam. haha-
- pengaruh main netball semalam. haha-
Eh, hari ni last day if 2009????
Wah. Ok2.
Berakhirnya satu tugasan. Presentation oh presentation. Puas hati and tenang kini. Alhamdulillah.
Well done to Dina Hesham Sabry, Kushairi Zuradi, Fairouz, Bayan, and Atiq. All are semester 3 MMMP. Disebabkan visitors tu datang lambat, berlaku lah gak beberapa masalah teknikal. Tapi tape. Yang penting semangat kita berenam ada. Kan?
And to Atiq if la kan he read this blog, JANGAN LUPE ANDA HUTANG SAYA SATU MAGIC! ^_^. Oh, bukan magic handphone itu ye. HOHO.
Thanks to Kak Da, Naz, Safwan, Anip yang turut datang bagi sokongan moral tadi. Thanks kamu-kamu sebab sudi luangkan masa bagi untuk kami berenam tadi. Also to Ebaa' and some Semester 7 students yang sangat excited nak tanye pasal law of abortion, insyaAllah will inform you guys the details later. But, I hope I answered your question about types of consent tadi. (macam la orang arab ni paham apa aku tulis...). Photo masa present tadi tade. Kak Da sempat ambik video je. nanti-nantilah auni gi umah kak da amik video tu k? Thanks kak da sanggup datang semata-mata nak bagi laser pointer tu. heeee. sayang kak daaaaaa! :)
Hari ni dah start cuti sebulan for study leave. And today is the last day of 2009. Tomorrow will be a new day, a whole new year. So, malam ni I masih belum ada rancangan. Sapa ada cadangan I should buat apa malam ni for celebrate this new year? Selain tidur dan tengok movie, sebab tu la yang I buat last year masa new year. Sumpah bosan. HUHU.
Cadangan terbaik akan menerima hadiah misteri. YA, HADIAH MISTERI! haha. Deadline is on 11.30pm GMT +2 . 31/12/2009. Hehehe
p/s : penat ulang alik jalan ke U, sepatutnya kene ada driver ni. haha
p/s/s: thanks for the spirit :)
p/s/s: thanks for the spirit :)
auni..awk msuk presentation apa?
owh. erm, presentation depan ministry of edu egypt td. huhu
happy new year azie..^_^
happy new year kak o!
may u have a blissful year ahead :)
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